Friday, September 11, 2009

Local Input Sought on Proposed Slots Facility

A group of local citizens is charged with representing the interests of those most affected by the major slots development coming to South Baltimore. The plans are still being finalized for the complex with 3,750 slots, live entertainment, bars, and restaurants, but the Local Development Council (LDC) is polling area residents to determine major areas of concern for the large-scale project, which will be located east of Russell Street and south of M&T Stadium.

Composed of seven community representatives, four business/institutional members, three legislative representatives, and one representative of the Baltimore City Entertainment Group, the LDC has three primary missions: review of the master plan for development of the site, consultation in transportation planning, and consultation on the expenditure of “local impact grant funds” earmarked for the area surrounding the facility, once slots are operational.

Co-chairing the LDC are State Senator George Della and community representative Betty Bland-Thomas, Sharp-Leadenhall Community Association. Other community representatives are Julie Tice, South Baltimore Neighborhood Association; Cynthia Griffin, Federal Hill West Community Association; Paul Robinson, Federal Hill Neighborhood Association; Jack Baker, Southern District Police Community Relations Council; Narda Carroll, Pigtown/Washington Village; and James Alston, Westport Community. Nonvoting advisors are Brad Slater, Riverside Neighborhood Association, and Dave Hirst, Federal Hill South Neighborhood Association.

Business/institutional members are Sonny Morstein, Federal Hill Business Association; Rev. Alvin J. Gwynn, Leadenhall Baptist Church, Michael Seipp, The Baltimore Station; and Ian Neuman, Carroll Camden Industrial Park Association. Nonvoting advisor is Michael Frenz, Maryland Stadium Authority.

In addition to Sen. Della, Delegate Brian McHale and City Council Vice President Ed Reisinger are legislative members. Michael Cryor of Baltimore City Entertainment Group, LP, represents the licensee.

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