Donavon Israel, personal trainer at Federal Hill Fitness, is partnering with Federal Hill restaurants to make working on your ideal body easier than ever. His program is designed to help steer clients toward healthier, yet still delicious, options when dining out.
“I hope to show people that they can have fun at the gym and that they can enjoy their favorite restaurants without sabotaging their diets,” said Donavon, one of the most popular trainers at Federal Hill Fitness.
The business plan incorporates hand-picked meals Donavan selects at restaurants as well as some of his own signature dishes, indicated on menus with a “Body By Donavon/Federal Hill Fitness” logo.
As of now, participating Federal Hill restaurants include
Abbey Burger Bistro, Big Jim’s Deli, Mad River Grill, Metropolitan Coffeehouse & Wine Bar, Mother’s Federal Hill Grille, Ryleigh’s Oyster, Taverna Corvino, Pizza Bolis, and Spoons. Spoons, Mad River, Big Jim's Deli, Pizza Bolis, and Miguel’s already have the revamped menu's out and open to the public.
Helping people lead a healthy lifestyle is what Donavon does everyday. "As a trainer I try to emphasize a holistic approach to fitness: nutrition, physical activity as well as sustaining a positive mindset," he explained. "All three should be in balance; finding physical activity that isn’t a chore and finding nutritious foods that you actually look forward to eating will help you stick to a diet.”
Check out the Body by Donavon Facebook page:
http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/pages/BODYbyDONAVON/146374812080584The page includes posts by Donavon, providing simple tips on how to stay healthy, exercise, as well as heads up about sponsored dishes in specific restaurants.
--Chelsea Ryder