The Salvation Army’s Angel Tree now sits in the middle of the Cross Street Market. Help brighten the holidays for a child in need by sponsoring an Angel (or more than one). Pick yours from off the tree and then drop off the unwrapped gift underneath the tree on or before December 18th.
Thanks to you, Cross Street Market, and the Salvation Army, one more child's Christmas will be made very very merry.
--Chelsea Ryder
The Salvation Army does some good work. But they also discriminate against gays and lesbians in their hiring practices. They feel so strongly about their right to discriminate that they threatened to close all soup kitchens in NYC when city government proposed legislation that would require all organizations doing business with it to provide equal benefits to unmarried domestic partners. An organization that's willing to hurt people in order to maintain their lame discriminatory practices is one that I wouldn't want to support. There are plenty of other charities that do equally important work without the ugly side that the Salvation Army wears as a badge.