Orlando Morozov has been jet-setting all over the world: South Africa, Spain, Denmark, and more.
He returned to the U.S. about 4 years ago and recently opened his first stateside
O’s Breakfast and Barbecue in
Cross Street Market.
The food at O’s will keep you coming back, whether for old favorites or to try a new and unique dish. Breakfast & Barbecue might sound like an odd combination, but while O’s headlines their breakfast, they do everything from salmon burgers and Caribbean jerk to pancakes, and even offer delivery and catering.
Orlando got involved in the restaurant business while living in Copenhagen. Sick of not being able to get good breakfast, he decided to open his own place. A big breakfast isn’t typical for the Danes; they usually stick to healthy breads and light fare. However, local skeptics turned to patrons, and Orlando opened up five more Copenhagen O’s Breakfast & Barbecues, and another in Stockholm, Sweden.
More than 100 people worked for Orlando, including 30 cooks who shared their tricks and helped him perfect his recipes, including a legitimately French toast, with the real-deal recipe provided by a French friend. The secret ingredient is so top secret that even his wife and coworker, Aleks, couldn’t tell you how to make it!
Orlando and Aleks, a native of Russia, feel the open environment of the Market is perfect for his “test-drive” of O’s. Orlando is confident that neighborhood word-of-mouth from his wifi-equipped Market stall will get the name out.
O’s is doing breakfast and burgers, and the barbecue items will come in the next 10 days or so. Open 7-7, Monday through Friday. Breakfast is served all day! Info: http://www.osbreakfastandbarbeque.com/default.html.
By Jackie Dudas